
Make sure you don't get pinched by adding 50 drops of green food coloring to your bath. Soak for 15 minutes to really let the color sink in.

Your Condiments: 

Everyone loves Nutella. Turn up the volume by mixing Nutella with green food coloring and then running around with a spatula and smearing it on your friends. Then say, "HA! You just got St. Patrick's Day Nutella Smeared!" Run away cackling.

Your Stabby Drugs:

Heroin feels awesome (Ed. note: we have never tried heroin), but nothing beats the thrill of injecting your veins with straight up, motehrfuckin' food dye.

Your Food: 

Ever had Irish Fries? No? The time is now! Douse your taters in food coloring for a soggy green delight!

Your Dranks: 

If you're on a diet, make it a dye-it! Your low-carb, sugar-free, nonfat extra-air drink will taste SO much better with food coloring in it. Trust us.