You may be happy about global warming screwing with the winter weather, but your closet isn’t. You promised to make room for a bulky jacket, but when the temperature spikes back up to Spring Fling weather, you find yourself wanting those jorts and tank tops again. How are you supposed to justify stuffing your carry–on with winter clothing last week when all of the seasons have blended into one? This is even more confusing than Urban Outfitters' ugly Christmas sweater line. 

You admit that while you don’t totally hate the heat once in a while, it’s difficult to choose an outfit for an entire day that doesn’t make you look like a victim of weather confusion. You finally think maybe your Earth science class that fulfilled that godforsaken physical world requirement had some merit and you begin to curse humanity for watching too much Netflix and burning up the planet. You wonder if that’s actually how it works (and realize maybe you could answer that if you hadn’t habitually skipped your earth science class). Street thinks that before you begin to ponder the state of the universe, you should start by finding something to wear.

Most fashion blogs will tell you that the answer to all your seasonal problems is to layer, as if you were a cake or something. Layering isn't a bad idea, but we have some other ones to make your wardrobe work for winter and summer—since those are the same now, anyway.

  1. That scarf you brought? It may make a rather boring sweater look more fashionable, but come noon, you’re sweating. Instead, flaunt your scarf over to College Green and use it as a picnic blanket. Eating a Lyn’s wrap never felt so practical.
  2. If you’re investing in a hat, swap the knit one with the giant pom-pom for a black beanie. We hear everyone in LA has one, and it’s not even cold there. 
  3. The fleece you ordered in the beginning of the season might be helpful for a weekend ski trip or to make you look like you’re on the crew team. But this winter, you might want to return it for something waterproof to protect you from the rain that was supposed to be snow.
  4. We understand that the gloves you got for Christmas didn’t take up that much room. Even so, when it’s not cold enough to merit carrying them around in your bag to class, stuff them with some cotton balls and make them into ornamental wall–art birds. Your apartment was lacking some decoration anyway.
  5. Your Ugg boots you brought to replace your sandals? We don’t have any suggestions for these. Why did you bring those back? Send them home.