Yesterday I woke up with a broken spirit, mind, heart and body. Yesterday sucked. Yesterday was a catastrophe of personal, national and global proportion.

Donald Trump’s victory is the destruction of everything I believe in and hope for this country and myself.

However, two days ago I voted for the right candidate and all semester I worked hard so today, for now I stand up straight. I stand on the right side of history.

I stand on the right side of history with my back turned, arms crossed and eyes closed. I mourn a Hillary Clinton Presidency, I grieve for the feeling of safety many people lost and I cross my arms and close my eyes to refrain myself from putting the people around me on trial for the murder.

Today we cross our arms and close our eyes for protection. Today our turned backs form a shield of armor around our hopes and dreams.

My goal for myself in the upcoming days, weeks and years is to stand tall in my beliefs but to stand tall with arms and eyes open. Hopefully soon we can all feel comfortable enough to lie down.

“Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.” ―Isaac Asimov