1. Kara’s moms come for a visit.

People who seemed to be Kara’s parents appeared in last week’s episode, but this week it was revealed that her mom had been on vacation along with Kara’s former nanny/stepmom. A power couple who idolizes Ellen and Portia (doesn’t everybody?) and believes their connections can get them anything, the duo throws themselves into a social media campaign to get Kara a new heart, ignoring her in the process. After Kara confides in Emma that her moms care more about themselves than her, Emma suggests they try talking to Kara instead of working on the campaign. They reveal their fears to Kara and even though she admits to never having seen Ellen’s show (gasp), the three bond and share a group hug.

  1. Emma has a weigh–in.

Emma is desperate to make progress after her father promises her she can attend an academic camp at Yale if she can gain 10 pounds.  She manages to cheat her weigh–in by putting rolls of quarters in her bra and wearing heavy clothes, seemingly gaining a pound. Nurse Jackson sees through her trick and calls Brittany out for being so easily fooled.  Emma has a long way to go to beat her disorder (she’s now trying the salted ice diet to avoid eating).

  1. Jordi’s surgery doesn’t go as planned.

Dr. McAndrew starts the surgery to remove Jordi’s leg and stop his cancer from spreading. Unfortunately, he finds that the cancer was misdiagnosed by Jordi’s old doctors and it has already spread throughout his body. He gets to keep his leg, but must start chemo right away. While Jordi needs another surgery as well, Dr. McAndrew is unable to perform another one without permission from a relative and that seems unlikely to happen anytime soon. It may be morbid, but Jordi is probably the front–runner for the first character to kick the bucket.

  1. Leo goes to a frat party.

After their bonding last week, Leo is committed to being at Jordi’s side when he wakes up, even if it means skipping his physical therapy. When he learns that he’ll still be the only kid with one leg, he is so distraught that he puts on his prosthetic leg so he can fit in and sneaks out to the fraternity across the street with Dash (what an odd coincidence that Leo loved being a soccer player and the building right outside the hospital houses partying college soccer players). After yelling at Dash for trying to drag him away, Leo breaks down and lashes out at the girl he was kissing when she tries to take his pants off. Brittany and Dash manage to bring Leo back to the hospital, redeeming Brittany in Nurse Jackson’s eyes. After some tough love from Nurse Jackson, Leo takes his place at Jordi’s bedside.

  1. Odds and Ends.

In a brief scene, Jordi speaks with Charlie during his surgery. Unless they plan to have a character fall unconscious every week, Charlie seems like he’ll be limited to just voiceovers. Also underused is Dash, who mostly exists as comedic relief and Leo’s sidekick. Hopefully, he gets a storyline of his own soon.