1. More Flashbacks!

I’m getting the feeling that flashbacks are going to be a weekly deal on this show. We get more insight into Annalise’s (precarious) relationship with her husband before his death, as she still convinced that he was having an affair with his student, who just happened to turn up dead. While he’s in the shower, she does some iPhone snooping (no passcode? rookie mistake) and discovers that his student Lauren signed her emails “–L.” It’s better than “xoxo –A,” but it’s still a bit suspicious. More on this later (and probably all season).

2. Law*

I’ve included the asterisk because I’m not quite sure how much the writers of this show actually know about the way the law works, but it’s a television show so I’ll just roll with it. In this week’s case, Keating and Co.’s client is a man accused of brutally stabbing his wife, and like always, Keating relies on her students’ last minute discoveries to win her the case.

3. The Problematic Fave

For as much as I love Viola Davis, her character still doesn’t feel quite sympathetic enough to root for the way viewers do for Kerry Washington’s Olivia Pope on “Scandal.”  Maybe it’s the fact that many of the courtroom activities make me want to yell “objection” at the screen, but the show just doesn’t feel quite as smart as it should. Note: Is vodka Annalise’s red wine?

4. Sex and Lies

Some of the other titles left on the cutting room floor might have been “How To Get Away With Lying” or “How To Get Away With Having Sex When You Don’t Want to Talk.” Everything feels a little sketchy. Back to the case of the week, it came out that Mr. Potential Wife Stabber lied to his daughter about the circumstances of his first wife, her mother—she did not die in a car accident, but was instead stabbed by her father. Yikes. Still, it seems that lying runs in the family, because it turns out that the daughter not only knew, but actually murdered her father’s second wife! However, in true fashion, no one is arrested for her murder and so once again one has to wonder who the good guys really are.

5.  Spotted This Week:

–Officer Jonathan Bennet from "Orange Is the New Black"

–A predictable plot twist


Check out the pilot recap for "How To Get Away With Murder."