1) Reminisce on your elementary school days and perform some leaf rubbings. Place a leaf upside down on a table with the “veins” upwards. Next, lay a white paper over the leaf and color over using your favorite crayon. You will be left with an awesome print that you can hang on your own fridge.

2) Use apple or maple leaves as incense for your early fall fires. Not in your dorm room, kiddies.

3) Find the prettiest leaf and use it as a bookmark in your textbook. Spot it two months from now when you open your textbook to study for finals.

4) Make a wreath of leaves. Cut out the center of a large paper plate and glue leaves to the edges. Punch a hole and attach a string in order to make a beautiful (and free) door decoration.

5) Use a leaf as a coaster for your pumpkin spice latte. You don’t want to leave rings on the Van Pelt desks!

6) Make your walks around campus more fun—go out of your way to step on the crunchiest leaves.

7) Continue the circle of (plant) life: Visit phila.gov/ParksandRecreation to see how to donate leaves to be composted into fertilizer. 

8) Get crafty for your next costume party and collect fallen leaves to make a Halloween costume in advance. The opportunities are endless: tree, woodland nymph, leaf...okay, maybe not endless, but definitely free.

9) Skip Pottruck and jump around in a pile of leaves. It’s a good workout and more fun than a stairmaster. 

10) Take that artsy Instagram you’ve been waiting for since last fall. 10 bonus likes if you include your shoes in the picture.