What exactly is dessert wine? A genre encompassing ice wines, port and sherry, among others, the term also refers to wines that have been fortified by additional liquors, the most common being brandy. We thought more liquor meant more fun, but sadly, we were mistaken.

Our Cream Sherry may have been legit (similar to Kentucky's vice-grip on the bourbon market, authentic sherry must be produced in Spain, and while a host of semi-generic knockoffs flood the market, Street wasn't fucking around), but that didn't make it any easier on the taste buds. Sickly sweet and strongly fragranced, this dark and syrupy liquor wasn't exactly a smashing success. Even taken with chocolate fondue at the suggested, 13 degrees Celsius temperature, this tasting party wasn't able to get too far past the first couple sips.

In a way, it's comforting knowing there are people out there who like this stuff. After all, we always need reassurance that douche bags bigger than ourselves exist. And if you're one of those people, we've still got two-thirds of a bottle of Cream Sherry sitting around my kitchen. Shoot us an email. Really. It's yours for the taking.