Street: How long have you been friends?

David Rimoch: We met in middle school when we were 11, but became friends sophomore year of high school.

Street: What were your first impressions of each other?

Pedro Gerson: One of the first stories I have is that in 8th grade I was in the principal's office and I saw a list of the class rankings for everyone in our year. David happened to be two spots above me. Since I wasn't friends with him at the time I decided to tease him and call him a nerd, although what I actually felt was jealousy. He immediately called me out on it, saying "Are you angry or jealous?" At this point our teacher called us in. I wasn't angry at him, I was more surprised by his bluntness. [David has no recollection of this incident.]

Street: Who was more popular when you were younger?

DR: Pedro, of course.

PG: Our school operated as a tribal system based on seniority. Since I had been there for many years I had an advantage over David whose social position only ameliorated as soon as newer kids started arriving.

Street: How have you changed since you met?

DR: We haven't.

Street: Did you want to go to college together, or was that a happy coincidence?

PG: We applied to similar schools and settings; however, it wasn't a plan to go to school together.

DR: Really? I was planning on it at least.

Street: Do you ever know what the other is thinking?

DR: Even when we're not together.

Street: Do women ever come between you two?

DR: We like very different women, but also the types of women who would like either one of us are very different.

Street: What famous duo do you identify with?

DR: The duo from Midnight Cowboy. Dustin Hoffman and Jon Voight are characterized on IMDB as, "a na've male prostitute and his sickly friend who struggle to survive on the streets of New York City." Just change NYC for Philly, of course.

PG: You decide who's who, though.

Street: If you were reincarnated in another time, what time would it be?

DR: I would like to be an aristocrat in the times when you didn't have to pack suitcases and could take entire closets with you.

PG: Although to be honest, David, you'd probably never be an aristocrat and would more likely be in the slums of Istanbul or the heart of the Pale of Settlement.

Street: Who is the better cook?

Both: He is.

PG: We both agree, however, that we work better when cooking together.