Senior class president Puneet Singh isn't just a one-trick pony. This Ohio native is a member of both Dhamaka and Simply Chaos, and is proud to call himself a Sphinge.

Street: Best and worst perks of being senior class president?

Puneet Singh: Best: getting to meet so many people in my class. Worst: finding out that they're all from New Jersey.

Street: You've nearly completed four years here at Penn. Any advice for the freshmen?

PS: Have fun. Penn is really an amazing place. It's given me great memories and friends.

Street: Best Spring Fling memory? Worst Spring Fling memory?

PS: Best memory. I can't remember. I think my worst memory came right after.

Street: Tell us a little about working for Colbert.

PS: I really enjoyed it. I think he's one of the funniest people on TV and his staff is incredible.

Street: From an insider's perspective, if you had to suggest one question a student in the audience should ask Colbert, what would it be?

PS: Ron Paul: great presidential candidate or greatest presidential candidate?

Street: If you could see any two talk show hosts get into a fight, who would it be and why? Who would win?

PS: Charlie Rose vs. Flavor Flav. It would be the ultimate celebrity deathmatch.

Street: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

PS: I'm really hoping to get into television and film. I'm pretty happy to say that I'm on track. Just last week, I was cast for a movie. I play a taxi driver.

Street: If you could be president of anything, what would it be and why?

PS: I would like to be the first Indian president of the United States. Then I would outsource my job and rejoin Dhamaka for four years.

Street: Best thing you've bursared in your four years here?

PS: A month's worth of Feb Club events.

Street: You've built up quite the impressive resume for yourself. For our less ambitious readers, any suggestions on how to make something look more impressive than it actually is?

PS: The key is to keep your expectations so low that anything you do seems to be impressive. For example, when I tell people I'm from a small town in Ohio, they're just happy I can read.