The foxy men of Alpha Chi Omega’s Big Man on Campus pageant love themselves. And their pelvic thrusts. Check them out tonight, 8 p.m. at the Starlight Ballroom.

Street: What makes you a big man on campus?

Richard Schmidt: My penis.

Andrew Gold: My goldshlonger.

Chris Ashley: I am small, but my presence* is large (*presence = presents = package).

Nate Abrams: Girth.

Gerry Chang: I’m going to assume “big” means “Scrawny Asian.”

Adam Drici: The fact that you’re asking speaks volumes about your social status.

Street: How were you recruited to compete?

Tommy McMahon: I was approached after I won an intense dance battle on the corner of 54th and Market.

Stelios Plakas: The girls know what’s up. They’ve seen my skills.

Christian Meyers: I’m used to women begging me, but this was seriously pathetic.

Nate: By force.

Street: How will you combat stage fright?

Drew Lassiter: By stuffing my pants to give the perception of a larger penis than I really have.

Chris: With sword and pistol.

Noah Aptekar: With a whip. Whip it good!

Christian: I don’t fear the stage. The stage fears me.

Street: Who would be biggest woman on campus?

Drew: Any girl that would possibly consider making out with me would win my vote.

Chris: Naturally, the heaviest.

Andrew: Amy Gutmann.

Adam: Bitch holds it down.

Street: If you don’t win, who do you want to win?

Richard & Christian: Adam Drici.

Tommy: Drew. He looks better in Spandex.

Gerry: Tommy. I think he needs it.

Adam: Stelios is old enough to be my dad, so I’d concede my victory to him, and maybe even get some free Greek Lady out of the deal.

Chris: Nobody. I’d rather OFSA try to cancel it again.

Street: What is the most valuable thing you have learned from the BMOC process?

Richard: That the “Big” is figurative. I’m actually quite small compared to most men on campus.

Drew: That a well-timed pelvic thrust is highly underrated.

Chris: How to polish my pelvic thrust.

Christian: That homosexuality and good dance moves are mutually exclusive. I’m in the back of the dance line.

Street: Who will you thank in your acceptance speech if you win?

Richard: Myself. Who else would have gotten me there?

Andrew: My mom, for giving me sick dance moves.

Adam: Jack Daniels, for making it all possible.

Christian: Larry Moses and Jesus.

Street: Who would play you in a movie about your life, and what would the movie be called?

Stelios: Tom Cruise, Matt Damon and Kiefer Sutherland would all be needed.

Andrew: Samuel L Jackson, because of the resemblance.

Adam: Fratdaddypalooza 3, with Harrison Ford in the lead.

Christian: Mariah Carey. Glitter.

Gerry: Jackie Chan in Rush Hour 4.

Street: If you could have dinner with one character or historical figure, who would you choose and why?

Richard: The Virgin Mary. Dinner would be the first step towards changing her title.

Stelios: Benjamin Franklin, the original BMOC.

Drew: Ronald McDonald. I would ask him how he’s been getting away with all the underage touching in the ball pit.

Andrew: Tara Reid in the Van Wilder/American Pie days. Why? Why not?

Nate: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Just wanted to see if you'd print that.

Street: What is your motto?

Richard: Do not cease to drink beer, to eat, to intoxicate thyself, to make love and to celebrate the good days. It's an Egyptian proverb; those guys knew what was up.

Tommy: If you’re still feeling good about what you did yesterday, you haven’t done much today.

Stelios: Frat! Frat! Frat!

Street: If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, who or what would it be?

Tommy: A chair, because… never mind.

Drew: I would come back as a Smirnoff Ice six-pack, helping young males lose their virginity one at a time.

Chris: I would return as a female and shower three times a day.

Noah: Baloo the Bear from Jungle Book. These bare necessities will come to you.

Adam: BMOC. Forever.