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Athenos Feta Cheese ($0.99/oz)

The name and packaging might call to mind rugged green pastures and friendly Greek shepherds, but the gleaming steel of a Kraft Foods subsidiary cheese factory in Wisconsin would be a bit more accurate. And the feta reflects this—the texture is consistently adequate, but like the other cow–milk fetas, it lacks the tang of sheep’s or goat’s milk cheese.


ShopRite Feta Cheese ($0.50/oz)

With the taste of wet salt and the texture of dry playdough, ShopRite’s feta is probably more apt for preserving fish than topping a salad.


Boar’s Head Feta Cheese ($0.37/oz)

While cheaper than ShopRite’s, Boar’s Head’s offering is actually recognizable as feta. The taste is something close to what you’d get from a dining hall salad line—flavorful enough to get the job done, but still vaguely unsatisfying.