Ah, the Dining Hall: a freshman–dense minefield where culinary dreams are squashed and temptations reign. Help yourself turn down that soggy pizza and give your body some nutrition by amping up your dining hall game with these hacks. 

Sans–Mayo Egg Salad Sandwich: Make the old classic a tad more health–conscious by swapping mayo for yogurt. Take two hard boiled eggs and mash together with three spoons of plain yogurt (Greek if available) and one spoonful of mustard. Season with salt and pepper, and serve in a lettuce cup or on whole wheat bread.

Veggie Sandwich (VEGAN): Get your veggies in with this veggie–dense sandwich. Toast your favorite bread, add a smear of hummus and pile your veggies of choice high. My combo suggestion is cucumber, tomatoes, avocado, sprouts (or a flavorful, small– leaf lettuce such as arugula) and shredded carrots. Sprinkle with vitamin–E–dense sun- flower seeds if available.

Overflowing Grilled Cheese: Be that overachiever you were in high school and go way beyond the basic grilled cheese. Add a few slices of your favorite cheese to whole wheat bread. Then shred any available meat (or tofu) and add. Make your way to the salad bar and add in any ad- ditions you wish. I’m think- ing tomato slices and pickles. Finally, top with your choice of dip from below. Or make it a sweet–and–salty combo by adding a sprinkle of dried cranberries. 

Dips to disguise the dryness of dining hall meat or bland vegetables:

DIY BBQ Sauce: Combine ketchup, a spoonful of hot sauce, soy sauce and mustard. Then season with salt and pepper to taste.

Buffalo Chicken Dip: In- crease the heat with this warm dip that pairs perfectly with tortilla chips or veggies. Mix an equal ratio of plain cream cheese with blue cheese dress- ing from the salad bar. Micro- wave this mixture for about ten seconds. Stir, and repeat four times. Add hot sauce to taste. Then shred a chicken cutlet and add to mixture. Put back in microwave for 15 seconds.

Thai Peanut Sauce: For when you can’t be bothered—this dip couldn’t be easier. Simply mix a spoon of peanut butter and soy sauce together. Once again, add hot sauce to taste. Mix into pasta, smear over meat, or use as a salad dressing.

French Onion Dip: This dip will get you closer to that svelte French woman physique than the original variety. Combine one container of Greek yogurt with about two spoons of olive oil and diced onions from the salad bar. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Now revel in this dip’s je ne sais quoi.

Fruit Crisp: Like the variety your grandmother made, sans excessive added sugar. Take any fruit available (such as an apple, banana or berries), and cut into small pieces (if whole originally). Then add one spoon of honey and mix together with the fruit. Top mixture with granola and heat in microwave for about 45 seconds. 

Now go be like Queen B and make yourself some lemonade out of those lemons.