Further continuing our tradition of highlighting rampant stupidity wherever and whenever it rears its stupid head, Street is casting its peripheral focus on Penn's Social Planning and Events Committee. SPEC has earned this coveted spot in Street's influential limelight through its consistently high grade of prime choice toastmasters. Street's award-winning investigative journalists have gone undercover to bring you a classified Post-It from the offices of SPEC.

1. Do not consider the integrity of the speaker's purpose. Note to selves: look for speakers speaking to promote their new books--draw Wharton students in pursuit of quick buck. Washed up athletes seeking spotlight a plus.

2. Lesbians from canceled sitcoms bring in the crowds--sheltered Penn students curious about ventures into the bush.

3. Big Jersey contingent... make them proud to be from worthless state--think singers idealizing mallrat sluts and uptown girls.

4. Flash of collective SPEC genius: abrasive late-night love show host, sensitive, wise, not-quite-suave doctor... reach Penn's fringe community--students alienated by spontaneous, hideous rashes and sore-cheeked Long Island girls.