Street: Are you excited about turning 21?

Michelle: Yes and no. I mean, its not like I haven't had alcohol before.

Street: No?! Stop it.

Michelle: Well, I got my first taste at age 3.

Street: Where were your parents?

Michelle: That summer my parents were painting a house. Each was working on a different side and all they brought to drink was beer. After a while I got thirsty, and it seemed easier just to give me a sip of beer rather than take me inside for water. Apparently it tasted good, because I went to the other side of the house and complained about being thirsty. This went on for a little while.

Street: Ok.what happened then?

Michelle: By the time everyone had realized I was behaving strangely, I had staggered to a large pine tree and was calling it "Big Bird."

Street: Any predictions what your 21st birthday will bring?

Michelle: Well, from my own experience of watching my sister turn 21 last Fall, it's a guarantee that I am going to pass out, puke, and sing show tunes while chilling on the bathroom floor. It will be memorable, but only because I won't be able to remember it.

Street: Sounds like fun. Do you think turning 21 is a big deal?

Michelle: The way I see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday.

Street: So you're not planning on doing anything special?

Michelle: Well.its just that the things you don't plan are the best. I'm a very spontaneous person.

Street: Alright then let me put it another way, what are you doing on your birthday?

Michelle: One of my friends is hosting a party for me at her apartment. There's going to be a huge cake and champagne and music and dancing. Everyone is very welcome to come by! The more the merrier. I'm a transfer student so I want to meet as many people as possible, you know?

Street: Speaking of being a transfer student, have you found it hard to adjust to life at Penn?

Michelle: I mean not really. I transferred from Miami so like we were a lot more into sports and stuff there but in the end I like it here better. After all we're all after the same things- a good time and a good party. [Pause] And a good education of course.

Street: Do you think it was a big risk to transfer?

Michelle: Life is full of risks anyway, why not take them? I do really miss my girlfriends though!

Street: Do you think you'll remember the party?

Michelle: I hope so. I'm sure I'll remember the basics - drunken ramblings, funny moments and the like.

Street: Will you do 21 shots?

Michelle: Will I? Will I? We'll see.