BARBARA BUSH Commencement 1990. Inspiring one–liner from Mrs. Bush I closes the speech: “Somewhere out in the audience today there may be a future President of the United States. I wish her well.” BOOM. Those alums are 45 now, but we have faith a Penn lady will fulfill Barb’s prophecy soon enough.


HILLARY CLINTON Everyone’s favorite Meryl Streep selfie–taker delivered Penn’s Commencement Address in 1993... and took a joyous photo on the Ben Franklin bench, rocking a blue suit and hopefully not urine. Hill also was awarded the Beacon Award by the Trustees Council of Penn Women at Annenberg in 1997. But for all we know, Bill Clinton’s November rally was the first First Man visit ever! #2016?

MICHELLE OBAMA Yep, in October 2010, Mobama spoke at a rally at Perelman Quad, and just last April, before she got bangs, she stopped by the School of Nursing with SLOTUS Jill Biden to commend the school’s commitment to the health of veterans. Still not over the fact her appearance was nursing–exclusive.