Street: So you’ll still be around next year?

Spencer Penn: Yeah. It’s funny, if I didn’t do this, I would have just gone back to my summer job working in’s really interesting hearing the Wharton students. Half of them are like, “Right on man, you’re following your dreams, get off the tracks and just run free, brother!” and some of them are like, “How could you give up an investment banking job? That sounds like...see you never!”


Street: How’s Feb Club going?

SP: Feb Club has really been beyond unbelievable this year. No criticisms for Feb Clubs past, but this is, I think, far and away, one of the best Feb Clubs. If not the best Feb Club that’s ever been. [Ed note: Do you agree? Vote below!]


Street: What’s different this year?

SP: We cut out Monday/Tuesday. Every year people complain, “oh, Monday/Tuesday, you gotta give us a break, I really don’t want to go out Monday/Tuesday.” And we wanted to make more free events. That was one of our big initiatives, to try to make the events more accessible. And we wanted to do a lot of non–drinking events. I just think we’re doing it way bigger than ever. We’re just, you know, blowing the lid off.


Street: What was your favorite event?

SP: My favorite event  thus far was Atlantic City. I think that was so crazy. We had a thousand students go all the way to Atlantic City. Like, you can’t get a Penn student to go down to Houston Hall for like, a free Mercedes Benz, but you can somehow get a thousand people on buses, out to Atlantic City, into one club, restaurant deals, free drinks...It’s just something we always dreamed about freshman year.


Street: What’s a one–sentence plug to get everyone to come to every night?

SP: I met an alumni last night, at PennApps, and he said, “Wow, the one mistake I made was I didn’t go to Feb Club.”


Street: What’s the mission of Feb Club?

SP: The point of Feb Club is we’re all seniors, we’re all graduating soon, we’re not going to be here next year—this is the last hurrah! It’s kind of like how freshman year in the quad, you’re kind of like forced to be around a huge range of different students. If you have a thousand people at Atlantic City, that means almost half the class is at Atlantic City. That’s more than the entire population of the entire Quad. [Ed. Note: there are 1,526 Quad residents. Almost!]. And you get to just, I don’t know, turn up.


Street: If Feb Club had a mascot, who or what would it be?

SP: We did a screening of “Animal House.” When I was a kid, I always imagined “Animal House” being what my college experience was. Ultimately just an awesome toga party. I would say John Belushi.


Street: Fill in the blank, there are two kinds of people at Penn...

SP: Ketchup and Mustard.


Street: What?

SP: There’s two types of people at Penn...


Street: Ketchup and Mustard? 

SP: Yeah...Ketchups and Mustards. You know, like, people that everyone likes, like “Ketchups,” really mellow, not too offensive. And then there’s “Mustards,” some people love them, some people hate them, and they’re very pungent.


Street: Describe yourself in three words.

SP: Iconoclast, legend, Mustard.


Street: If you are what you eat, what would you be?

SP: I would be, like, 95% cheesesteak.


Street: Where is your favorite place to get a cheesesteak?

SP: Oh, Jim’s. Definitely. I’m actually the head of the Penn Cheesesteak Society. “Cheesesteak sine wiz vene.” It’s like, “Cheesesteak without wiz is in vain.” Yeah, we never got funded. They wanted us to merge with the Penn Culinary Society, they never understood why we wanted a separate Cheesesteak Society.


Street: So you’re very political. Are you going to be POTUS one day?

SP: That was a pipe dream once upon a time. Now I think maybe Robot King of America or something.


Street: What’s your favorite Disney movie?

SP: My childhood is very vague to me at this point.


Street: Fill in the blank: My PennCard looks like…

SP: My PennCard looks like...a fake PennCard. I don’t know, I lost the hologram so it looks fraudulent.


Street: What was your first AIM screenname? 

SP: I think it was BadAss92. 


Street: Which of the Spice Girls are you?

SP: Obviously Posh.

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