Fall break is on the horizon. Are you going home to put on some much–needed winter weight? Or to Miami for a much–needed tan? Or to New York for some much–needed quality time with the people you see every weekend? If you answered no to all these questions and are now feeling extremely depressed about next weekend, then you're reading the right article. Whether you're a freshman who didn’t realize Fall Break existed (me last year) or an upperclassman who has too much laundry, work and sleep to catch up on (me this year), staying on campus is a brilliant idea. Especially if you're ready for some much–needed arts time.

The Penn Museum, 3260 South Street

10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. every day over break

If you’re feeling guilty about spilling your (Pope) Franzia all over someone’s “The Pope is Dope” t–shirt this past weekend, I know a way you can show repentance without going to church. The Penn Museum is showing an exhibit called “Sacred Writings: Extraordinary Texts from the Biblical World.” It shows rare artifacts from the Museum Collection and rare books and manuscripts from the Penn Libraries. If I can trek to there every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 11a.m. to fulfill my living world sector requirement (okay fine, I’ve only ever been to my recitation, at 5p.m.), then you can make it over there to see its art.

The Athenaeum of Philadelphia, 219 South 6th Street

9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Thursday–Friday, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Saturday, Closed Sunday

If you’re in the mood to get a little further away from campus and the cockroaches your hall–mates have left you alone with, hit up “City Abandoned: Selected Photographs by Vincent D. Feldman” t the Athenaeum of Philadelphia. It shows black and white photographs that form a narrative of local buildings, loved in one age and abandoned in another (kind of like you this weekend). Imagine how socially conscious and down to earth you'll appear in conversation when your friend comes back with a bag of freshly folded laundry and asks what you did with your alone time!

The Barnes Foundation, 2025 Benjamin Franklin Parkway

10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. every day over break

But if you only do one art–related thing over the break, go to the Barnes Foundation. Even if you’ve been before. Even if you are from Paris or Barcelona and think you’ve seen enough Picasso to last a lifetime (no such thing). Like most museums that stand in the shadow of those that appear on postcards, the Barnes is the best museum in the city. It displays an incredible collection in a unique and short–attention–span–friendly way. You’ll see what I mean when you get there.