Once you pop, the fun don't stop. Pringles pioneered this slogan many years ago to advertise their crisp, many–flavored potato product. The slogan can also apply to many forms of rock, particularly those that include beautifully crisp guitar and bass riffs, and Primus perfects this. Their new track, “Last Salmon Man,” continues the tradition the band started at its inception, building melodies and rhythm around bassist Les Claypool’s intricate patterns.

To this end, “Last Salmon Man” speaks to the core of Primus’ existence. The hard, refreshing rock stomps across the melody, while silly if satirical lyrics serenade the listener in between punk and pseudo–funk cuts. Perhaps Primus’ main weakness may be those lyrics, though they do most certainly make for an entertaining listen. To be certain, “Salmon Man” is a fun track, filled with jam sessions, quasi–intellect and optimal rockability. Primus’  new album, Green Naugahyde, is available now.

03 Last Salmon Man by ATO Records