Every now and then, something terrible happens.  I see a trailer for a movie, and I become obsessed with seeing said movie.  I then text everyone I know, and slowly find out that no one I know cares enough to see the movie in theaters.

This realization leaves me at a crossroads: I can either suck it up and not see the movie until it comes out on Netflix/On Demand/Wherever movies end up these days, or I can go alone. Alone, as in buying a ticket by myself, sitting by myself, and watching the movie by myself.

Except going to the movies by yourself is considered a weird and socially stunted thing to do.  Especially here. Going to The Rave by yourself? Talk about the opposite of SABS-ing.

One day while facing this dilemma in regards to seeing “The Amazing Spider-man 2,” I started to take apart the issue.  Why is going to the movies by yourself such a weird thing to do? People aren't supposed to talk during movies. Going with someone else usually just means you have to work extra hard to figure out when to go because everyone at Penn is too busy to find a free three hour window.

So I've started doing this new thing: sometimes I do go to the movies by myself.  I get to pick the time because I don't have another person's schedule to work around.  I like to go around lunchtime if I can. Usually I stop and grab some cheaper food, hide it in my bag, and then sit where I want in the theater.   And then this great thing happens; everything about being at the movies suddenly seems easier.  I don't have to look for two seats together, or worry about someone else's armrest, or pretend to care about the commentary of the person I came with.

So just hear me out, maybe going to the movies by yourself shouldn't be that weird.  Films, the first time you see them, are supposed to be personal experiences where you get lost in the story, become friends with the characters, and forget about where you are.  You don’t need other people to do that.

And even if you do run into someone you know, just act like you haven't done anything strange. Or hide your face, whatever floats your boat.  Just don’t let some illogical social stigma stop you from enjoying the magic of the movies.

It’s okay to go to the movies by yourself, goddammit.

(Unless you’re trying to see that new Transformers movie, you should lie and say someone else made you see that s***.)