Street: Describe yourself in three words.

Arthur Rempel: Hairy as fuck.

Brian Foley: Not really hairy.

Jonah Campbell: Not witty enough.

Louis Markham: I think mine is "Strangely uplifting biscuit."

BF: Can you elaborate on that?

LM: Well, "strange" and "uplifting" are pretty obvious, but I also feel like we’re all soggy on the inside.

Tim Mason: I don’t know.

Chris Gabos: Can I say smart, loyal, and "another one?"

Street: What qualities make you a true BMOC?

AR: My musical taste. I have a wide array of appeals. I like Celine Dion and Justin Bieber, and I’m planning on incorporating all that into a phenomenal dance.

BF: I’m the definition of work hard, play hard.

JC: Hours and hours of quality practice on the Smoke’s dance floor.

CG: I choreographed the Hotline Bling music video.

LM: My interstellar pecs will be making an appearance.

Street: Who’s your top competition?

AR: That small little stage we have to dance on.

CG: Jonah’s body, probably.

JC: Fear itself.

TM: Arthur Rempel. He may have won last year, but anyone can be beat on any given Wednesday night.

Street: How would you describe your chest hair in a few words?


CG: Mr. Clean’s Head.

LM: Up and coming.

TM: Curly and cuddly.

JC: Humble.

Street: What is your training regimen for BMOC?

BF: Drinking, dancing, drinking, dancing, and more drinking.

TM: I’m visualizing all day every day.

CG: Copa Margs.

LM: One of my biggest strengths is the softness of my hair, so upping the amount of conditioner I use.

CG: Do you condition your chest hair?

AR: I’ve done that. It doesn’t work. I’ve been watching YouTube tutorial videos on how to do handstands and backflips.

TM: I’ve also been watching the Soulja Boy instructional video.

BF: I’m developing a foreign accent so I can sound like Louis.

JC: 6:00 AM yoga-lates.

Street: What’s your spirit animal?

AR: Tazmanian devil.

BF: Baby monkey.

TM: Peacock.

LM: Not by choice, but I’ve been told it’s a flamingo.

CG: Sloth.

BF: Yeah, after meeting you for five minutes, that’s quite fitting.

JC: Snow Leopard.

Street: Who is your inspiration for BMOC?

AR: Mike Markovitz.  His dance last year was awesome, with the little briefs.

TM: Derek Jeter.  We’re both biracial angels.

BF: Justin Bieber.  No matter what I do, I can’t do worse than he does.

JC: Napoleon Dynamite.

CG: Carlton from Fresh Prince.

Street: Boxers or briefs?

AR: Briefs, hands down. If anyone says boxers, you’re out of here.

TM: It’s been briefs since third grade.

BF: Neither, go free! I haven’t worn underwear since ‘Nam.

CG: Thong.

Street: If you are what you eat, what are you?

TM: 2:00 AM bags of GoPuff.

LM: I’m an oreo milkshake kind of guy.

CG: Big Macs.

AR: Honey.

BF: Steak and dumplings can be my meal for the rest of my life.

JC: Freshly caught wild trout.

Street: Man buns: for or against?

AR: YES. I’m growing one out now and it’s so fucking cool.

JC: It depends on type of man bun. If it’s the little baby one on the top of their head that looks bad. If it’s a full legit mane, that’s a different story.

CG: That’s a trend that needs to stop.

LG: There needs to be foliage. As in it’s collected foliage and memories.

BF: It needs to be established. I think we’re in agreement.

CG: No we are not. I am very much against the man bun.

Street: The theme of BMOC is "Oops! BMOC Did It Again." What’s your favorite thing about the ‘90s?

BF: My birth. Birth is so in.

CG: Nickelodeon, specifically Slime Time Live.

LG: Pokémon.

BF: Old-school Game Boy.

TM: Zoog Disney.

JC: Zoboomafoo.

BF: Rocket Power… with the woogidty woogidty handshake!

TM: Dunkaroos!

Street: Give us one reason people should come to BMOC.

AR: Foley’s definitely gonna do something crazy.

CG: Raise money for charity.

LM: Feed our egos.

TM: I’ll be shirtless.

JC: Relive your elementary school days.

Street: Who will you thank in your acceptance speech?

BF: My grandmother.  She’s a saint.

AR: Brian Foley.

CG: I’d like to thank Twister, my coaches, and Tommy Pickles.

TM: Barry Bonds, Lil Romeo, Bow wow, my childhood idols.

JC: Silly putty, Moon shoes, Neopets.

LM: Penn Admissions office for letting me stay here for five years so I could do BMOC.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn…

TM: People who know about Nora’s food truck and those who don’t.

LM: Those who like to cuddle after sex and those who don’t.

JN: Smokes people and Blarney people.

CG: Those who stand and wipe and those who sit and wipe.

BF: Those at Big Man On Campus and everyone else.