
  • Rumor/Recess/Loft Bar: SABS-ing at 200 feet! This way the professional photographer will notice you for sure! 
  • The side of College Hall: DURING CONVOCATION (Ed. Note: pre-gaming required.)
  • A wall at MIA: The acoustics and visuals are so much better up there! 
  • A wall in Van Pelt: You've been wanting to steal a book on Mayan archeology for years. Now is your moment. 
  • The side of Smokes': For all you SWUGs out there.
  • The side of Huntsman: Who needs GSRs anyway?!

Not Local:

  • The Wall of a Trendy Cafe in Paris: Much better cell reception than on Penn's campus.
  • The Great Wall of China: Totally legal. 
  • The White House: Because like, let me in already. 
  • The Taj Mahal: It’s made for climbing. This way you can avoid the tourists. And the tour guides. 
  • That betchy hotel in Santorini: Brides kept blocking your view. You’re still salty about it.
  • A castle in Europe: There's no better way to capture Prince Harry's heart. Who is the next Princess of Wales? YOU.