Welcome back to another rendition of Street's Tarot Tuesdays. Here, we're pulling Tarot cards that will provide you with valuable guidance as you navigate the week ahead. Below, I've highlighted a card for each of the 12 zodiac signs to keep in mind—treat it like the main theme. 

As always, I recommend reading for your sun and rising signs. Not sure what those are? Check out an online birth chart generator to find out more about your placements. 

Let's see what the universe has written in the stars for you in the coming days.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, it’s time to boss up. You have ideas that are very much worth exploring. If you’re looking for new streams of income, be prepared to make it happen by any means. Build up your strength and sense of purpose; it will make chasing the bag much easier. As you do that, tune out other people’s needs, and be sure to vocalize your own. See the Seven of Wands

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Are reading closely, Taurus? You really should be. You are full of energy, and there is a fire inside of you that will make you go the distance. You are an earth sign, so when it comes to money, you have no problem putting in the work. Be sure to remember, though, that you'll need to maintain balance in order to move at the best pace. Carve out some time for yourself at home to recharge and center your emotions. If you start to feel overwhelmed, just do your best and leave the rest in the hands of the divine. See the Two of Pentacles

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, who’s that throwing rocks at your window? I see your new soulmate coming into the picture. You haven’t felt passion like this in a minute—enjoy it. Be sure to move with clarity and intention, though. If you find yourself feeling frustrated or confused about the way things are unfolding, take a deep breath and recenter. No partnership is seamless. At the end of the day, it all depends on how willing both of you are to work as a team. See the Two of Cups

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

It's not worth it, Cancer. You know what you need to do, and if others don't want to follow suit, just do the right thing and focus on your needs. Right now, you are discovering new sources of income and asserting your boundaries. Keep this up. But be sure to give things breathing room. Once you take a step back, find some time to unwind and just have fun. Trust me, Cancer. You do not have to sacrifice your happiness. See the Five of Swords

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

This is bigger than you, Leo. I know it can be hard not to take things personally, but trust that when you don’t, the situation gets much easier. If people are messing up what you have going on, you can take a pause, act rationally, and most importantly, move on. Be the Hierophant and find a practical, tried–and–true approach to this situation. Do the right thing, Leo, and just let it go. 

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, you’re halfway there! You’ve asserted your needs, and you have begun the journey of releasing baggage. When this is all over, you won’t have to second guess people’s intentions and whether or not they’ll reciprocate the energy you put in. When you move with humility, you will eventually find yourself surrounded by like–minded, kind–natured, and warm–hearted people. Release the pain, Virgo, and open yourself to all the fun and play life has to offer. See the Four of Wands

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

This is the love you deserve, Libra. You are emotionally sound and have a huge heart. If you keep your soul grounded, you can truly take advantage of the support that the World is about to offer you. There’s no need to be defensive; your vulnerability is a strength. Trust that there will be people along the way you will connect with on a soul level. You have so much happiness coming your way. Bask in it. 

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

There is a reason behind everything, Scorpio. The pain you’ve endured and the lessons you've learned were meant to put you on this track. You are not only a stronger person because of it, but you are also following your Star. Let go of the fear and know that things will fall into place, Scorpio. What’s meant for you, will always be for you. 

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) 

I fuck with this energy, Sag. You are setting the boundaries necessary to fully invest in yourself. You’ve wasted enough energy on people and situations that did not reciprocate. This time, you’re creating your own happiness. With Death comes rebirth, and you sure are crafting your best self. See also the Queen of Pentacles.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn, fuck everybody else. Figure out what it is that you have to do, and stick with that. I see you taking care of your business and using the Wheel of Fortune in your favor. With the full moon approaching, take note of what people or behaviors are no longer serving you. Be the Magician and manifest the abundance you’re envisioning.  

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Buckle up, Aquarius. You’re about to take off. You’re trying to build wealth and expand your horizons. Rest easy in the fact that you can do this with both practicality and ambition. Take a breather to contemplate and figure out what it is you really want. You have a lot of achievements under your belt, but to make these dreams a reality, you're going to need some time. See the Two of Wands

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

I love this for you, Pisces. You have so much working in your favor. Not only are you nurturing your inner child, but you are also doing so with exuberance. There is a perfect flow of money around you. You know exactly who you can count on—and who you cannot. Let that shit unfold on its own, Pisces. Let the good things come to you instead. See the Page of Wands

Like what you read? Stay tuned for more weekly readings—coming to you every Tuesday. Until next time!