This summer, I dropped off the face of the earth. Like, all the way to Asia. I rolled up to Penn with no idea what year it was, much less what was happening on the World Wide Web. Turns out while I was in Bali for a month with no Internet access, I missed a lot. For example, American politics are in shambles (are we even surprised?), and now a YouTuber is making bizarre, viral election videos. His name's Mike Diva, he's 29 and his videos are kind of hilarious.

Who is this person again?

Mike Diva (originally Mike Dalquist, but that's so much more boring) describes himself as a maker of videos, music and memes. He makes "spicy vids for Internet kids," has shaggy blue hair and wears a lot of fedoras. Now that his election videos have received international attention, he's a pretty big deal. Personally, I will be voting for him in the upcoming election.

Japanese Donald TrumCommercial

When this parody pro–Trump video came out, a bunch of super–smart YouTubers assumed it was real, so we have plenty of reasons to feel hopeful about our nation's future. 

The star of this video (other than Trump) is a blue–haired fangirl in a pink tutu. The video starts with her lying around her bedroom, which is filled with sparkly lights and posters of Trump. Her pink TV announces Trump has just been named World President, so she rocks out in a vaguely psychedelic dreamworld. She frolics past cherry blossom trees, rides animated Trump llamas and stares adoringly at photos of him. A cutesy song plays in the background and everything's cast in glittery purple and pink. It's creepy, it's offensive and it celebrates Trump's non–existent sex appeal. Honestly, Trump probably did make it and is pissed that Diva took the credit.

Hillary Clinton: Meme Queen 2016

This next one spoofs Clinton's attempts to relate to be fresh, hip and down with the cool kids. Though Clinton is a grandma/pantsuit aficionado, that doesn't stop her from trying to come out with the dankest memes. (Trump Yourself, anyone?) 

In the video, a Hillary Clinton lookalike relates her policies to Dat Boi, Damn Daniel, Nyan Cat and Harlem Shake. She pitches herself as a Meme Queen then encourages voters to "Pokémon GO to the polls" so their "memes are no longer just dreams." It's all very forced, much like real–life Clinton's attempts to connect to millennials. Famous politicians: They're just like you! 

What he should do next

The video I want to see is the DL on Melania Trump and her shady past. Did she graduate college? Did she plagiarize Michelle Obama? Is she even a US citizen? These are the important questions. 

TL;DR Politics are depressing but we'll always have YouTube.