Hop on the Market–Frankford line and check out Project Basho, a gallery solely dedicated to the creation and display of photography. Project Basho’s 14–foot ceiling creates a unique studio space conducive to the exhibition of this versatile medium. In addition to displaying works of photography, Basho offers classes, darkroom rentals and even critiques, encouraging beginners and veterans alike to utilize photography as an expressive outlet. Black and white darkrooms, color darkrooms and digital workstations are available for rent at hourly rates for ridiculously cheap prices that . Even the gallery space is available for rental, offering a sound system, wireless  internet and spacious square footage — the perfect venue for a midday–rave photo shoot.

Project Basho’s classes range from “Photographic Vision I” (an introductory class) and “Black and White Printing” to “Food Photography,” and they take place both during the day and at night. And because Project Basho needs to be just a little more awesome, the space offers informal critiques twice a month, during which participants bring 10 to 20 photographs and then share and receive constructive advice. If hands–on experience ain’t your style, at least check out the gallery’s latest juried show, “Onward,” an annual international competition involving 50 up–and–coming photographers from 26 different countries around the world.

1305 Germantown Ave. Sunday–Thursday 12 – 10 p.m. Friday 12–5 p.m. www.projectbasho.org