$20—Cover charge at fling downtown


$5—Five $1 drinks at the pool party for you

$5—Five $1 drinks at the pool party for your pledgemaster

$17—Fling tank for your frat

$21—Fling tank for your Spanish 110 study group

$16—Fling tank for your club frisbee golf team (#frolfforlife!!!)

$16—Fling tank for the Underground Secret St. A’s Yu–Gi–Oh Club

$30—Fine for accidentally telling people about the Underground Secret St. A’s Yu–Gi–Oh Club

$70—Price of cocaine that is really powdered smarties but you can’t tell the difference because everyone here is faking anyways

$20—Bribe for photographer to get you in more pics to up your social media game

$3.97—Paper towels used to wipe up vomit off of frat bathroom floor

$3.97—Paper towels used to wipe up your tears after seeing your crush DFMO with someone else

Priceless—The memories of everything you did this weekend you wish you'd forget.