With so many shades of reds and yellows fallen on the ground, you’ve got nature’s supplies for a fall-themed colorwheel.

You need:

leaves cardboard paper paper towels a microwave ceramic plate hot-glue a picture frame (optional)

1. Collect: take along your tall basketball friend and puck at least ten leaves off the trees along Locust Walk, College Green, and the Engineering Quad. Make sure they’re still fresh and supple, and go for a variety of shapes, sizes, and hues. Avoid the crunchy ones.



2. Microwave: Instantly press your collected leaves! Put each leaf between two paper towels in the microwave, and place a heavy plate on top to flatten it. Microwave on normal for 30 seconds, and watch it to make sure nothing catches fire. For extra large leaves, add 5-10 seconds until completely dry.



3. Arrange & Fix: Arrange the leaves in a circle on top of some paper and cardboard, layering the different colors into concentric rings. Keep it symmetrical. Secure all the leaves to the paper and cardboard by placing small drops of hot-glue underneath.



4. Finish: You’ve got yourself a colorful mandala! Feeling fancy? Preserve it long-term by gingerly placing it behind glass in a frame.