Former freshman superlatives Gabe Head and Sarah Telson had never met before. We thought we'd change that.

When her Freshman Superlative stint left senior Sarah Telson branded for the rest of her Penn career, we felt she needed a chance to prove that she is more than just a name. With a face. And a third arm.

Street: What was your first reaction when you saw your superlative ("My third arm is white", accompanied by a picture of Sarah... with a third white arm)?

Sarah Telson: I didn't remember submitting a picture so I was kind of wondering who the stalkers at my door were...

Street: How did being a superlative influence your freshman year and beyond?

ST: Well, ever since, guys have been offering to show me their third arms.

Street: How would you feel about having a third arm?

ST: A third arm would be fantastic - it would make alone time a lot more fun. I don't think I would name it though; no arm favoritism.

Street: How do you feel about being second choice to Gabe Head for EOTW?

ST: Well, giving head isn't ever the first choice, right? Sorry, was that not the question...?

Street: There are two types of Penn students...

ST: Those who live it and love it, and those who leave it alone.

Street: Who's the coolest person you've ever met?

ST: Ever? The Naked Cowboy.

Street: Any advice to freshmen?

ST: Boys: call me. Girls: don't.

After making his Street debut two years ago, junior Gabe Head was itching to come back. Then again, if you'd just given head, wouldn't you be itching too?

Street: If you could write your own superlative, what would it be?

Gabe Head: "Tired of being introduced as the guy with the fellacious name."

Street: What was your first reaction when you found out what your superlative was?

GH: I got three mentions!

Street: In high school you were most likely to.

GH: Star in a pornographic film.

Street: What do you plan to name your children?

GH: Anything but Gabe.

Street: Why not just go by Gabriel?

GH: Because then I would never be in 34th Street.

Street: When did you realize that your name might be the potential source of amusement for others / yourself?

GH: My seventh grade teacher gave me the hilarious nickname of "Give 'em."

Street: Who's the coolest person you've ever met?

GH: I met Lil' Jon at a coffee shop in Amsterdam. Since I'm from Atlanta, and since it was two years ago (when everyone was still saying "yeeeeeeeah!"), it was a pretty big deal.

Street: Any advice to this year's unfortunate bunch of superlatives?

GH: Don't take it seriously! Since when is 34th Street an accurate judge of personality/anything?! [Ed. note: Since... always.]