Street U.: Are you right side up or upside down?

Dave Matthews: Ha, I don’t swing that way. It’s cool whatever other people want to do, but I’m very straight.

Street U.: How stoned are you when you write your lyrics?

DM: Not that stoned. [Ed. note: Matthews then put out his joint.]

Street U.: Do you recommend smoking to your fan base as a means to better understand your work?

DM: We always encourage smoking. It helps you understand everything.

Street U.: How often do you smoke with your fans?

DM: Any chance I get!

Street U.: How did you come up with the name for your band?

DM: I’d never heard of a band called “Dave Matthews,” which happens to be my name. So I thought it was right to the point.

Street U.: Why should we come to your shows?

DM: There’s a great ambience. Our fans always put off a beautiful aura. And we try to play shows in wide, open spaces, like big fields, so that everyone just gets into the music and the vibes.

Street U.: What lines do you use on the ladies?

DM: Well if I’m at a college, and I am a lot, I just say, “I’m Dave Matthews.” And the other guys in the band say, “Hey, I’m Dave Matthews’s drummer.” But every now and then I like quoting my work. Usually the line “Hike up your skirt a little more and show your world to me” is pretty effective.

Street U.: How is your acting career going?

DM: It’s just great. We just finalized the contracts for my first lead role. I’m playing Vanilla Ice in the new biopic. I’m very excited.

Street U.: Ice cream makers Ben and Jerry borrowed your song “One Sweet World” to create the flavor “One Sweet Whirled.” How does this feel? Do you enjoy this flavor?

DM: I cannot even begin to say what this means to me. I didn’t know I had made it until someone told me I had created an ice cream flavor. I personally am a huge fan of ice cream, any food really that’ll curb the munchies, know what I’m sayin’?

Street U.: Your band is pretty involved in the environment. How do you think this new administration will address your concerns?

DM: I’d smoke out Obama.

Street U.: Do you still think it’s crazy that the world is round?

DM: I’ve come to accept this, but I still haven’t seen any substantial proof.