Street: Who would win in a celebrity tag-team match between the UA/Class Boards and SAE/IFC? Joe Luchtan: Sadly, it’d be a stalemate. Physically, SAE/IFC would tear UA/Class Boards apart, but then student government would fight back with a new policy abolishing the fraternity system.

Street: What's the best night of the week at school? JL: Without a doubt, Tuesday. Quizzo at Blarney followed by all-time favorite Kenn Kweder at Smoke’s. It’s a must before you graduate.

Street: Who would you rather grab a drink with: A-Gut or B-Frank? JL: Ben Franklin. He’d guide me on how to be a good engineer since he actually invented worthwhile things. Plus, rumor has it that the man was a pretty big drinker ­­— I’d love to frat out with a legend.

Street: Most overrated thing about Penn? Underrated? JL: Underrated: Dock Street Brewery. Overrated: Having to graduate after four years.

Street: There are two types of people at Penn... JL: Those who spend all of their time studying, and those who study, but go out. Enjoy it while you can.

Street: What's the most glamorous part about being a Penngineer? JL: There’s not much that is really glamorous. I guess it would have to be that you can always find someone to work with you in Towne no matter the time of day. Street: Any guilty pleasures? JL: Musical theater. Next question.

Street: Last purchase? JL: Kind of a sore subject. My last peacoat got stolen while I was in Smoke’s.

Street: If you could have a superpower for a day, what would it be? JL: The ability to freeze time. Between academics and extracurriculars, life would be so much easier if I had infinite hours.

Street: What don’t most people know about you? JL: I was initially rejected from preschool.