Usually movies based on books are boring, sad or both (The Horse Whisperer, anyone?), but Great Expectations is so much different. First of all, Alfonso Cuarón, who also directed A Little Princess, only like our favorite movie from when we were kids, made the awesome decision to move the story from 1860s England to 1990s New York. This is great, because we don’t have to hear confusing British accents. Second, going to see Great Expectations will totally put you ahead of the game as you get ready for 9th grade English in a couple of years. The original book by Charles Dickens (he also wrote that orphan story Oliver Twist) is long and boring, so you might as well be prepared. So, basically, seeing this movie is a great decision. Your parents will be so impressed that you’ve even heard of it, and at 111 mins, it’s only like twenty minutes longer than movies are supposed to be.