Julia Rubin, Street's washup/former Editor-in-Chief, has her final say in our last issue of the year. This cute-as-a-button Friar has a thing for kicks, nerdy glasses and, well, a lot of other random stuff including, but not limited to, roofs. Did we mention she loves the internet?

Street: What’s your favorite abbrev(iation)? Julia Rubin: Smoke’s. Does that count?

Street: If you could follow one person, dead or alive, on Twitter who would it be? JR: Lou Reed from the Velvet Underground years. Or Jane Jacobs. Or Seth Cohen.

Street: What don’t most people know about you? JR: I hate fridges.

Street: What's your favorite Street article from the past four years? JR: “Notes on a Scandal” from February 2008. It drudged up Penn’s top 10 most scandalous happenings from the past 20 years. Delicious.

Street: Who would win in a celebrity death match, the Street Eds or Friars? JR: I plead the fifth (but let’s be real, either way I win).

Street: There are two types of people at Penn … ? JR: Those who listserv abuse and those who bitch about it.

Street: Last purchase? JR: Penn roll with avocado. Extra eel and spicy sauce on the side.

Street: Most memorable moment of your college experience thus far? JR: I had a big party for my 22nd birthday and my best friends decided to dress up like me for the occasion. When the other guests arrived, they were greeted by a bunch of girls dressed in skinny jeans, huge glasses and fly kicks.

Street: Any guilty pleasures? JR: I would say not waking up before noon, but that’s not really a guilty pleasure so much as it is a necessity.

Street: You’ve just arrived at your 10-year college reunion. What would people be most surprised to hear about you? JR: That I went into finance. KIDDING.

Street: What song is playing when you walk into a room? JR: “Can I Kick It?” by A Tribe Called Quest. Because, yes, I can.

Street: If you could have a superpower for a day what would it be? JR: I have a bit of an information addiction, so I’d like to be able to absorb all the stuff I want to know instantly … otherwise known as the internet without the timesuck.