Björk at Bonnaroo:

No one was entirely sure exactly what Björk was at this year’s Bonnaroo. She donned a headdress made of long, transparent, blue spikes that covered the whole of her face, as well as a lumpy, metallic and cream–colored dress. The stage’s screens did not display her singing, so fans could only attempt to make out what she wearing from a few hundred feet away. If you go out as Björk this Halloween, people will undoubtedly be staring at your costume in a confused manner and keeping their distance.

Any member of Slipknot:

If your only goal is to absolutely petrify every single person you see out, dress as any member of Slipknot. There’s enough room in the band that your whole friend group can go out together! If you’d actually like to meet other people or attract anyone this Halloween, try another route.


Going out as Macklemore on Halloween is seemingly foolproof. Your fur coat keeps you warm in the elements of a harsh Philly autumn, your costume’s not too tiring to assemble once you do have the coat, and you’ll feel a personal connection to the party every time “Can’t Hold Us” or “Thrift Shop” comes on. And this is the same logic every other dress–up Macklemore will have used to reason his or her costume choice. But if commonality doesn’t get to you, then maybe realizing the next day that you lost your fur coat once the party got sweaty, and that you still have that haircut, will.


Drake seems like a great idea at first: don an ugly sweater and a tasteful gold chain, maybe a yarmulke to holla at his Jewish background, and you are unmistakeably the hip–hop superstar. Except that it’s not a complete Drake costume unless you vow to make “no new friends.” That means you would be betraying your costume if you spoke to anyone new while out this Hallow’s Eve. Actually, is this the best costume ever?