1. Goji/acai/whatever berries. superfoods. Superfoods. SUPERFOODS! See, it’s annoying, isn’t it? Unless this shit’s gonna make me fly, chill out.

2. Artisanal­–anything. Especially at fast food places. Wendy’s, how you gonna front like that sandwich is “artisanal?” I know you know that dough came out of a bag.

3. Quinoa. Don’t get me wrong, quinoa is the best thing since slice­d­–bread. Unfortunately, the gluten–free frenzy seems to agree, and quinoa prices are climbing as the grain, in various processed forms, is being shoved into every nook and cranny of gluten–free goods.

4. Chipotle/Sriracha–flavored everything. Huy Fong’s Sriracha is great. Bobby’s chipotle ketchup is also pretty dope. But sometimes I just want plain mayo on my sandwich, not chipotle–lime sriracha honey mustard unicorn jizz.

5. Pumpkin Spi– ahh fuck it. This horse is too dead for pasture.