Street: Do girls scare you?

Dan Mingle: Most of them, yeah. Like one's with mustaches.

Street: What are your opinions of the Spectaguards?

DM: I don't even know what a Spectaguard is.

Street: They're the Penn guards that ya know, guard? DM: Oh, them. They're hilarious, especially the guys with all the funky do-rags and stuff.

Street: Any favorite guard? DM: The guy that guards the upper quad gate. He's pretty funny. I don't know what he's saying half the time.

Street: Do you have a roommate?

DM: Yes. Bill Lynch. He's a good kid. We grew up together.

Street: Did you know he has the same name as the evil housing manager of University City Housing?

DM: No, but he has the same name as an evil practice they used to do to people.

Street: Any hallcest so far?

DM: No. Pennquestcest, yes. But we won't go into that.

Street: Are you intimidated by upperclassmen?

DM: No. Upperclassmen are intimidated by me.

Street: Yikes! Pretty cocky. What did you think of President Gutmann's speech at convocation?

DM: I thought umm, it was really cool to be asleep.

Street: So you slept through it or went there and slept?

DM: It was raining so I didn't think I'd be that sleepy, but it was really boring. The rain was very soothing. When you can't see other people through the umbrellas, there's not much going on.

Street: Do you feel pretty oriented so far?

DM: Yeah. I feel pretty oriented. I know it's Penn, not Penn State. I figured that out.

Street: Do you feel any more Jewish since you've been here?

DM: Yeah, my mom just bought me a Jewish calendar so I'd know which holidays to take off.

Street: Well, we'll split an advent calendar with you. Do you "mingle" with members of the opposite sex?

DM: Yes, it's in my nature.

Street: Describe yourself in three words.

DM: Tall, damnit that's a bad one. Goofy, unexpectedly smart, and tall. People always think I'm dumb.