Street: If you could write your own superlative, what would it be? GH: “Tired of being introduced as the guy with the fellacious name.”

Street: What was your first reaction when you found out what your superlative was? GH: I got three mentions!

Street: In high school you were most likely to…? GH: “Star in a pornographic film.”

Street: What do you plan to name your children? GH: Anything but Gabe.

Street: Why not just go by Gabriel? GH: Because then I would never be in 34th Street.

Street: When did you realize that your name might be the potential source of amusement for others / yourself? GH: My seventh grade teacher gave me the hilarious nickname of “Give ‘em.”

Street: Who’s the coolest person you’ve ever met? Ever? GH: I met Lil’ Jon at a coffee shop in Amsterdam. Since I’m from Atlanta, and since it was two years ago (when everyone was still saying “yeeeeeeeah!”), it was a pretty big deal.

Street: Any advice to this year’s unfortunate bunch of superlatives? GH: Dont take it seriously! Since when is 34th Street an accurate judge of personality/anything?! (Editors’ Note: Since... always.)