We can finally walk outside without having our appendages go numb, so you know what that means—it’s almost spring time. And nothing makes it feel like spring more than flowers blooming. Unfortunately, the confines of an apartment don't provide much space for planting a garden. But with some creativity you can make even the smallest space a little more green. 

Where to Plant

Most importantly, plants need sunlight, ideally for six to eight hours a day. Try finding a windowsill or balcony area where this would be possible. If your space doesn’t have that, then you may have to try growing a plant that requires less sunlight.

If you’re planting high up, wind could be a little bit of a concern. Make sure your containers are heavy enough to withstand the elements, or buy a wind block.

What to Plant

You have so many options for what you can plant, even in a tiny space. If you’re looking for something easy to care for, succulents are always an option since they only need to be watered about once a month. 

If you want a little bit more of a challenge, try growing some herbs or greens, like parsley, basil, kale, or arugula. You’ll have to water these more frequently to keep the soil damp, but they’re pretty resilient plants. As an added bonus, you can use them for cooking. 

How to Plant

There are plenty of nurseries and gardening supply stores not too far from campus, which can provide you with all you need. I personally recommend Urban Jungle in South Philly. They have a multitude of seeds, soils, and different kinds of pots that will meet your aesthetic needs. An organic soil or potting mix will probably work best, since they’re lighter in weight and allow water to pass through easily.

But don’t think you have to spend a lot to have a garden—pretty much anything can be used as a pot as long as it can hold soil and water, and seeds usually run for less than a dollar.

How to Keep Your Plants Alive

First of all, give them food and water. Even if your outdoor space gets rain, it probably won’t be enough to keep the plants healthy. You’ll need to test the soil by putting a finger two to three inches deep into the pot and seeing if it feels dry. Additionally, unless you buy a soil with fertilizer included, you’ll need to feed your plants by fertilizing them about every other week. 

Even though apartments may not provide enough room for a full spring garden, there’s always a sunny corner where you can plant some seeds and watch something amazing grow.