Rock and RecycleNOW

Whole Foods Market

929 South Street

Saturday, 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., $15

(215) 567-4004

It's Saturday afternoon. You just finished your sixth Diet Coke; the pyramid of cans on the table in front of you is becoming unseemly, and the caffeine is starting to make you twitch. Unable to avoid it any longer, you finally ask yourself the question that all soda chuggers must eventually ask: what the hell am I going to do with this stupid can?

You have two choices: hope your environmentally obsessed roommate doesn't see you stuff it into the trashcan, or stow it in a old FroGro bag and forget about it until you move out. Neither of these, however, is going to help reduce your carbon footprint. Luckily for Mother Earth, there is a third option. You can recycle. But how to enact this green decision? It's not like there's a big, neon bin out by the trashcans waiting for your empty Diet Cokes.

RecycleNOW Philadelphia is trying to change that. Their mission is to bring recycling to every Philadelphia resident, offering weekly, curbside pick-ups for your Thursday night beer cans and Monday morning egg cartons. But they can't do this on passion alone. They're looking for willing, zealous volunteers to join the cause. Volunteers ready to party.

This Saturday, RecycleNOW is rockin' out on the roof of Whole Foods to benefit their cause. A measly $15 gets you 1) on the roof of Whole Foods, 2) stimulating conversation and 3) unbeatable entertainment. Local Philly bands such as The Capital Years, The Swimmers, Sarsaparilla, and Tough Guys Take Over, all gung-ho about the campaign, will be jamming for four rocking hours. And just to sweeten the deal, Starbucks, PhillyCarShare, the Philadelphia Eagles and many more will be giving stuff away all afternoon.

So instead of spending this weekend hopelessly devoted to the couch, book it down to 10th and South and really do something with your day. I promise, South Park will be on all week. Your unmade, cozy bed will still be there when you get home. That moldy cheese in the fridge will be, you guessed it, still moldy. Come early or late, sloppy or stylin'. If you're single, the supply of bleeding-heart hippies and hipster rockers will be bountiful. If you're not, maybe you should be. We hear your S.O. doesn't recycle.