As embarrassing as this is to admit, I wasn’t always a seventh grader. The truth is, I used to not even be in middle school. You’re probably going totally postal just thinking about it, but try to deal because I’m going to give you the 411. Two years ago I graduated from Harold P. Ackerman Elementary, and I can’t hear “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)” without thinking about it. The worst part about graduation was that I got paired up with that Ferg-Face Ron Mahoney for the procession. Practically everyone told me he like-liked me and to prove that I didn’t like him back, I made myself vomit halfway down the aisle during the rehearsal. The best part about graduation was this phat photo slideshow of me and all my friends on field trips. They played “Good Riddance” and we (Me, Jessica O., Jessica R., Ashley and Courtney), all agreed that we had definitely had the time of our lives.