With so much going on, it is sometimes hard to find some of Penn’s more abstract offerings. This week, we suggest getting your country club on and taking up a new sport along the way.

The Penn Sailing Team provides novices and professionals alike the unique opportunity to partake in an age–old collegiate tradition. The team offers beginners (read: non–WASPs) the unique opportunity to learn how to sail and participate in intercollegiate regattas. Although it is considered a club sport at Penn, members compete against varsity teams from all over the country. In fact, the Penn Sailing Team won first place in the Ivy League championship in 2006 and consistently ranks among the top 25 teams in America.

If you want to get your feet wet and learn more about the Penn Sailing Team, email the Recruitment Chair, Halsey Richartz, at halsey.richartz@gmail.com, introducing yourself and noting your sailing experience (if any at all), or simply subscribe to the listserv by visiting their website, www.pennsailing.org. The team trains in both the fall and spring seasons, so you can start learning your bow from your stern and your starboard from your port next semester rather than next year. Remember though, it’s BYO Sperrys!