There are 45 hours left until the wedding. So, here’s a list of 45 thoughts about this episode:

1. “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” was the summer reading for this episode.

2. Apparently “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” is Barney’s go–to religious text.

3. What about the Bro Bible?

4. Marshall finally takes over driving from Daphne.

5. Robin and Barney cross themselves and then high–five.

6. Everyone should start doing that in church.

7. Does anyone know the difference between a reverend, a pastor, a priest and a minister?

8. Apparently the church has “cute coming out the wazoo.”

9. This is the first time I’ve ever heard the word “wazoo” said aloud.

10. If “wazoo” means what Urban Dictionary claims it does, the reverend probably shouldn’t be saying it.

11. Robin and Barney steal the story of how Lily and Marshall met, but they never would have gone to Wesleyan.

12. Daphne helps Marshall prepare to tell Lily about the judgeship.

13. Daphne’s voice is used with Lily’s body, which is really funny.

14. Lily tells the reverend the story of how she and Marshall met.

15. The reverend thinks she stole Barney and Robin’s story.

16. Do Barney and Robin even really have a story?

17. Why can’t they just say they met through Ted?

18. For characters that lie all the time, R+B couldn’t think of any good lies for the reverend?

19. Lily tells the reverend Barney and Robin’s story as her own.

20. There are flashbacks where the couples switch places.

21. The costumes are exactly the same, though.

22. Did they keep those costumes through all the seasons?

23. Or did they re–buy them?

24. Were the stores still selling them?

25. The actors are definitely not all the same size. They can’t share clothing.

26. Everyone in this episode says “what the damn hell.”

27. Daphne is the only character that can pull off that line, though.

28. Ted decides to try for a girl name Cassie.

29. She just got fired and broke up with her boyfriend.

30. But somehow her boyfriend is at the wedding, which doesn’t really make sense.

31. Her parents are also at the wedding.

32. They make Ted pay for their dinner since he’s Cassie’s new boyfriend.

33. Daphne is “fighting for the good guys” at her job every day.

34. She’s a lobbyist for a big oil company.

35. Cassie is whiny and annoying.

36. There are too many random whiny and annoying girls throughout this show.

37. Not that many girls are actually like that.

38. Certainly not in New York City.

39. It’d be more realistic for Ted to find himself with a lot of bitchy girls.

40. Robin and Barney reveal that they had sex in the reverend’s office.

41. He has a heart attack.

42. The reverend is Cassie’s uncle. Things are not going well for this chick (or Ted).

43. Daphne texted Lily from Marshall’s phone and told her about the judge position.

44. It’s the first time this season we have an episode ending with a real cliffhanger.

45. Excited for next week!