The trailer for “The Monuments Men” was released this week and gives us a glimpse of an interesting angle on World War II.

What We Love: George Clooney wrote, directed and starred in this movie, and since we love George Clooney we will have to give it a shot. To make it even more appealing, he’s bringing the “Ocean’s 11” band back together by casting Matt Damon alongside himself as the two key characters in the film. We also love the idea behind the movie; that while fighting to overthrow Hitler, the United States Army was also running a covert damage control operation in the event that we succeeded. It’s interesting.

What We Don’t: The film has the potential to be a little boring. Unless you’re an art history buff, the most appealing part of this movie is Clooney and Damon, and Clooney is running around with some goofy mustache, so really it’s only Damon. But hey, maybe there’s more to the film than meets the trailer viewer’s eye—they do sneak a quick shot of a kiss in there at the end, giving us hope for some romance to take the edge off the art.