Liz Lemon

"30 Rock"

Quote on Romance: “My mom used to send me articles about how older virgins are considered good luck in Mexico.”

Why she rocks: Lemon owns her singleness. Girl is not afraid to eat cheese alone or buy a wedding dress just for herself. Forget independent–woman–who–don't–need–no–man, she doesn’t need anyone. Just food and her kick–ass job. Plus for always “being single,” she still got to date Matt Damon, lucky bitch.

Sue Sylvester


Quote on Romance: "Today is the day we honor St. Valentine—a man publicly beheaded for defying his government—by exchanging candies and chocolates to nonsensically render the objects of our affection more fat and less attractive."

Why she rocks: Sue dresses like a lesbian from the 1970s, is obsessed with her unimportant career and probably works too hard on her insults—but that’s all okay with her. She doesn’t need stereotyped notions of romantic love or any other BS. In fact, Sue goes the extra mile and just marries her fine self because SHE DON’T NEED NO MAN.

Sherlock Holmes


Quote on Romance: “Girlfriend? No, not really my area.”

Why they rock: Sherlock can’t stand people. And the worst thing about people (especially when you're single) is their sappy, nonsense emotions. Watson assumes, at first, that he is gay, but Sherlock shows a more complicated side of the human experience of love and sexuality. Plus, who needs a romantic interest when they are solving crimes? Oh yeah, every other crime show ever. Kudos, Sherlock.


Olivia Pope


Quote on Romance: “I am not a toy you can play with when you’re bored or lonely or horny...If you want me, earn me!

Why she rocks: Despite her super complicated presidential affair/weird love triangle/daddy issues, Olivia still reigns supreme as a badass. She always puts her work before the men in her life and remains fiercely loyal to her employees, despite her own emotional baggage. She has no problem drinking red wine alone, but we’d be happy to have a glass (or a bottle) with this gladiator.

Ted Mosby

"How I Met Your Mother

Quote on Romance: “Shouldn’t we hold out for someone that doesn’t just tolerate our little quirks but actually kinda likes them?”

Why he rocks: True, we know Ted eventually does get married. But that knowledge just makes it less painful to watch as he loses women over and over again. You can’t help but love the underdog, and this guy was left at the altar, told there were literally no matches for him in all of New York and is now best man at the wedding of his BFF and ex. In spite of it all, he remains funny and endearing for nine long seasons.

Shoshanna Shapiro


Quote on Romance: “I don’t wanna touch it if we haven’t kissed.”

Why she rocks: We’ve watched Shoshanna suffer through some humiliating moments, like accidentally smoking crack and being told by the guy she wants to sleep with that he doesn’t “do virgins,” but that never phases her bubbly personality. She’s the kind of friend who would gladly stay in and eat cookie dough while everyone else is at that stupid downtown, and we wouldn’t want her any other way.