White Russian At Vintage Wine Bar & Bistro

Where: Vintage Wine Bar & Bistro, 129 South 13th Street

How much? $9.00

How many? ~438 calories

Get it when...

You’re on a first date and all you plan to order is alcohol...I mean, um, dessert.

(Photo: Tarascobar.pl)

Mandarin Martini at Stratus

Where? Stratus Lounge, 433 Chestnut Street

How much? $12.00

How many? ~328 calories

Get it when...

You want to crash a wedding party and realize the food is only for the invited. Go figure.

(Photo: Emily Ulrich)

Boiler Maker at XIX

Where? XIX Bar, 200 South Broad Street

How much? $13.00

How many? 386 calories

Get it when...

You arrive at last call, only to find the kitchen closed an hour ago.

(Photo: Emily Ulrich)

Distrito Frozen Margarita

Where? Distrito, 3945 Chestnut Street

How much? $10.00

How many? 675 calories

The drink you get when...

You’ve had your fill of listening to the person sitting next to you.

(Photo: Jennifer M. Wood, Distrito.com)

Spiked Hot Chocolate

Where? The off-campus sorority house

How much? It depends. Do you know a sister?

How many? around 500 calories

The drink you get when...

The snow day has officially been called. (Ed. note: Still waiting patiently on that one.)

(Photo: Wikimedia.commons.org)