Peels Diet: On this diet you can only eat the peels of various fruits and vegetables, but you can eat as much of those peels as you want. Sit down with a bucket of lemon peels and dig in.

Nails Diet: Trying to look hot so you can get nailed by that special someone? Try the nail diet! Fingernail clippings are chock full of much needed protein and calcium, but shockingly low in calories. Sautée and garnish with rosemary for a nice gourmet touch.

Jelly Bean Diet: Dieting shouldn't keep you from the food you love. With this diet you can guiltlessly indulge your sweet tooth! For each meal you get one fruit flavored jelly bean (for vitamins) and two cheat jellybeans of whatever flavor you want throughout the day. Choose wisely.

Gizzard Diet: After a week of eating only gizzards you won’t have any appetite at all! That’s when the weight loss really begins.

Pet Diet: You probably only have a couple of pets, but if you ration them carefully and use proper preservation techniques you should be able to subsist on their meat alone for a couple of weeks. And then you'll be barking for more.

Plant diet: No, it’s not that you only eat plants, it's that you become a plant and get nourishment from the sun and water. Photosynthesis is the new black.