Isabella Rahm C’17


This Theta girl is the co-captain of the golf team, as well as the recipient of this years Academic All-Ivy award. Brains, beauty and a killer golf swing? Swoon.

On her life outside of golf: I run every day. It helps me clear my head after a long day and actually gives me more energy. I love to travel. I'm an international student and I've moved around to different countries my whole life, and visiting new places is one of my favorite things.

On finding out she was nominated: What is this, why was I chosen and WHO nominated me? 

Aron Morgan W’17


This football kicker is a Theos boy and a really good omelet maker. Dreamy, huh?

What do you do outside of football? When I'm not warming up the pine (on the sideline) you can find me on the greens polishing my croquet game, at the local billiards hall hustling old people for money or drafting a sequel to Nicholas Sparks' “The Notebook.”

What was your reaction to being nominated? To be honest, pure disbelief. It’s a total shock that it took this long. The only analogy that comes to mind is how long it took Mother Teresa to win the Nobel Peace Prize.     

Hayley Metcalf C’18


A third baseman (basewoman?) for the softball team, this bubbly ZTA girl might just be your dreamgirl. Don’t get too attached though, she does have a boyfriend.

If the tables were turned, who would you nominate? I'd for sure nominate Jurie Joyner, my whip partner, and probably Alex Weber.

What was your reaction to getting nominated? I honestly thought I was being Punk'd. I had to ask multiple times if this was a real thing before I believed it. (Ed. note: this is true, she really didn’t believe me for a while.)

What team has the hottest athletes at Penn? Baseball. Why? Two words: baseball pants.

Sam Mattis W’16

Track and Field

This Discus throwing, New Jersey native doesn’t go on dates, but he does cuddle (as long as you’re okay with “light snoring”).

What is your favorite thing about yourself? I am more or less in constant pain.

Describe your perfect date: A romantic stroll from 39th and Sansom to 42nd and Locust.

How long has it been since you last got laid? “Laid” is such an ugly term. I prefer making love.

What do you like to do in your free time? Drink responsibly.

Rachel Hlatky N’16

Track and Field

This nursing sprinter hates wearing clothes and loves eating ice cream. Need we say more?

Are you into other athletes? Yes, I’ll admit I’m a jersey chaser. Not purposefully, things just happen that way.

So, uh, how’s your endurance?  Well, I’m a sprinter so I go hard and fast. ;)

Which Penn team do you think has the hottest athletes? Football. They have such a variety of guys, and it definitely pleases the eyes when we share the field at practice.

What is a hidden talent that you have? I can probably say my ABCs faster backwards than you can say yours forwards … even when I’m drunk.

Jesse Roth C’17


We hear this pitcher can really put some heat on his fastball.

On the hottest team at Penn: Without nominating my own team, I would have to say girls lax. We definitely have the best mixers with them.

On getting nominated: Definitely pretty cool. [It’s a] good opportunity for everyone to see what else Penn Athletics has to offer, especially since no one comes out to our games.

On the dating: Too many people succumb to “the scene” and miss out on some really cool and good looking people, who happen to be athletes, that aren't in frats.

Jackie Falconer C’17 


This basketball forward looks for personality in a guy (and someone who won’t be a dick about her gorgeous height).

Most embarrassing moment: When I was younger, I was running late to a basketball game. I was so concerned about getting on the court that I ripped off my sweatpants (those cool ones with the buttons that rip in half) and ran onto the court, only to see that everyone was laughing at me. Turns out I forgot to put on my uniform, and I was just standing there in my underwear.

Zach Fisher C’17


This swimmer is an Ohio native and likes his ladies “chill and down to earth.”

What is the meanest thing someone has ever said to you? You look skinny.

What is your biggest accomplishment? Outside of getting into Penn on my own (I was a walk on), it's probably this nomination.

Regina Salmons: C’18 


Hot tip: Impress this rower with your literary expertise or your abs. 

Hottest quality: I have an unmatched skill and ability to dance on elevated surfaces to Taylor Swift’s "Shake it off." 

Best quality in a boy: As an English major, I really appreciate the ability to read. When guys like writers like Vonnegut or Kerouac, that's pretty cool. Or if a guy has better abs than me.

Self conscious feature: I'm pretty tall but I only get self conscious when I'm at concerts or music festivals. To the short girls behind me - I can hear you. It's not my fault you decided to not wear heels. 



This Hawaiian native and future teacher will leave you weak in the knees — don’t worry though, he’s strong enough to carry you home.

What’s your favorite/the cutest thing you’ve ever done to impress someone you’re into? I texted this one girl in high school, and asked her to prom. She said yeah. Honestly, that may have been my peak.

Describe your perfect date: Morning at the beach, lunch at Costco Food Court, afternoon at freshwater ponds, go to the movies, dinner at Denny’s ‘till way past midnight.

What’s your favorite pick-up line to use? Is your name Gillette? Cause you’re the best a man can get.

Yan Xin Tan C’16 


If her mad squash skills don’t impress you, then her smile definitely will.

Hottest quality: Hmm. My pretty smiley personality? To be honest, I'm not sure how I got nominated.

Best quality in a boy: I would say a boy who is organized. For instance, he would wake up everyday with a somewhat set schedule and lives life with a purpose! 

Greatest accomplishment: Definitely winning the biggest squash tournament in the world, which is the British Junior Open. Super proud of it even though I was only 12. 

Chris Swanson: W’16 


This sexy swimmer is what makes his hometown in Florida so hot.

What is your hottest quality? I'm a pretty driven person. If there is something I really want, I go after it. I'm not sure if that counts. If not, ask whoever nominated me for this.

Most embarrassing moment: Alright, I’m going back to middle school for this one. A bunch of guys were trying to dunk jumping off a chair. Most people were getting close, but because I was one of the taller kids, I thought I would be able to do it. I just barely grabbed the rim, but it was enough where I lost my balance and landed on my back. A bunch of people freaked out that I may be seriously hurt, but I tried to play the macho man card and pretended like it didn't hurt ... I felt like I couldn't walk.

Self conscious feature: I have a male resting bitch face.