The Jane to his Dick, you know her best as the wife of evangelizing Penn preacher Brother Stephen White. Originally from central New Jersey, Laurie White now spends her time raising her children and tending to the needs of her husband in Philadelphia. As she is usually silent during her husband's condemnations of Penn students of all faiths, we could not help but want to hear her story.

Street: So how did you and Stephen meet?

White: We met through campus ministry. We weren't on the same campus, but we went on a retreat together... It wasn't until four years later after we met that we got romantically involved and got married. We were more or less just friends, and then we got married.

Street: You were just friends, and then you got married?

White: Well, we were just acquaintances, I would say.

Street: Did you two have courtship?

White: Something like that. I don't like to say we dated. We were friends, and then we were engaged.

Street: Were you surprised when he asked you to marry him?

White: Not really. We both knew there was something there. I didn't want to date. I dated before when I wasn't a Christian... You just get caught up in the pattern of dating. You get caught up in situations you don't want to be in.

Street: How did he propose?

White: He actually proposed to me at the White Dog Caf‚.

Street: Did he get down on one knee?

White: I think he did in the restaurant, yeah.

Street: He didn't drop the ring in champagne or anything like that?

White: No. We don't drink alcohol at all... It was funny though, because the people next door bought us a round of drinks and we're like, "Okay, we'll have a round of Cokes."

Street: Is your husband a romantic?

White: Oh yeah, definitely. His manly part would say otherwise; that he's not into romantic movies, but then there has been many a romantic movie I've sat and watched with him... He has a romantic side to him.

Street: When did you convert to Christianity?

White: I had a conversion experience when I was 12. But then I was into a lot of peer pressure. I was not living consistently for God until my junior year of college.

Street: When was the defining moment?

White: I got involved in a fellowship at West Chester University. I felt like I really needed to do something different with my life. I was just, like, drinking and having sex outside of marriage and smoking pot. I realized it was very empty and knew that I had to turn to God.

Street: Now that you've converted, do you preach?

White: I don't really think on my toes as well as my husband does. He definitely has a call to preach. I will preach if I feel that I have to, if he tells me to say a few words. But I'm not into, like, really... I have a hard time speaking. Even with three people I have a hard time thinking of what to say, you know... I just... My mind goes blank. He just has this special talent for not caring about what other people think.

Street: Yes, Brother Stephen is special. What do you want for your kids?

White: Basically that they would be happy and all that they can be. I would love for them to be preachers.

Street: So we might have three little Brother Stephens running around?

White: Maybe.

Street: What are the kids going to be for Halloween?

White: We don't do Halloween. Steve and I decided to dress them up as Bible characters. Sometimes, the church has an event as an alternative for Halloween... but we don't go around the neighborhood and trick-or-treat. It's very foolish to celebrate Halloween, even if you are not a Christian, because it is a very evil holiday. It is the Satanist day... People actually do human sacrifice on that day.

Street: Does Santa come to your house?

White: No. We don't do Santa. Steve was trying to do something where he was saying it was the angel Gabriel, but I think it is still a lie. I have a problem with Santa Claus, anyway, because of the fact that you are just lying to your kids about something that is really stupid. Also, it takes away from Jesus. Every day should be Christmas. It's not a big deal for me to look at holidays as anything great, because every day should be a Christian holiday.