Have a Bite: 20th Century Flatware Philadelphia Museum of Art 26th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway Through Oct. 26, $7 Tue-Sun, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed & Fri evenings until 8:45 p.m. (215) 763-8100 http//www.philamuseum.org

Philly is the fattest city...ever. Well, even if that isn't true there's still a bunch of lardasses who love to get their eat on hardcore. It's sad that with all the eating no one ever had time to make plates. Wait, no, that's not right. This whole exhibit is dedicated to just that. Check it out, this may be the phattest exhibit in the museum. Whatever.

Creative Expression Projects Please Touch Museum 210 N. 21st St. Sat,12 p.m., $8.95 (215) 963-0666 http://www.pleasetouchmuseum.org

Looking to unleash your inner child? Have you ever had the desire to put your greasy mitts all over everything without fear of reproach? I bet your sick ass would enjoy a real-life simulation of a grocery market or an enormously terrifying statue of Alice in Wonderland. Yeah, you would like that. Eight year olds dude.