Crimson Moon

2005 Sansom St.

(215) 564-2228

They say that your choice of coffee says a lot about you, but it doesn't matter what you're drinking at Crimson Moon. If you're there, you've got to be pretty fucking cool.

This cultural hub fronts as a coffee shop, but to place it in the same category as Bucks County Coffee would be an insult o not only to the patrons of the institution, but also to the city of Philadelphia itself. In fact, one might say that the atmosphere of Crimson Moon epitomizes the city: versatile, unique, diverse -- and all without the attitude and pretense of New York. The funky, multi-colored decor (not to mention the murals in the bathroom) has no doubt launched a thousand profound thoughts. And no doubt, a lot of them were drug-induced.

But what's truly noteworthy is Crimson Moon's generosity with the whipped cream, if you're into that kind of thing. In addition to hosting weekly music shows and publicizing cultural events, Crimson Moon also functions as a one-stop shop for all your basic needs, especially if your basic needs are chocolate-banana espressos, funky jewelry, local artwork, underground beats and voter registration forms. So bring along your Phoebe, Joey and Chandler, pick up On the Road and get to work on your self-hating memoirs. Because no matter how cool and Bohemian you think you are, you can always be cooler. And more Bohemian.