Admit it: you know jack about beer. In fact, you probably couldn't tell a quality brew if it smacked your ass as you waited for the next Batman sequel. Don't worry about it -- neither could we. But like happiness and orgasms, beer knowledge is fun to fake. So fun, in fact, that you've probably heard yourself mutter such chestnuts as "this is a nice dark mild" or "quality hops were used on this baby." If so, we hope your audience laughed really, really hard.

Like we said, though, we like debating the balance between malty and hoppy just as much as the next douchebag. So along those lines, we set out on a mission: find Philly's stash of microbreweries. These, after all, would be where the true connoisseurs could be found. Here, then, are our newest discoveries. Temples of beer where "body and mouth feel" aren't sexual positions, and yeast doesn't refer to an infection. Enjoy. We certainly did.