Viagra Fails, NY

Impotency is hard on me.

Well, kinda soft, actually.

Nickel Haiku

Nickels are worthless.

Let me count all of the ways.

One, two, three, four, five.

Hire a Celebrity to Do Your Laundry

I hired Tom Hanks to do my laundry.

He did a good job and didn't ruin my clothes.

He even cleaned the lint filter.

But I don't think that I'll hire him again because he stole my gerbil Mr. Zeek.

I asked him why he didn't just buy his own gerbil and he spit on me.

After he rode my lawnmower for a while we played dominoes.

He had fun, but I didn't.

He invited himself to dinner.

During dinner he said that he'd never won anything before.

I asked him "Didn't you win two Oscars?" and he said "No."

I said "Yes you did," and he said "I sold them."

I said "You sold them?" and he said "Ebay."

My mom really liked Forrest Gump.

He didn't want to do the dishes so we thumb-wrestled for it.

He drank YooHoo while I scrubbed.

To the victor go the spoils.

Later he told me that my Christmas lights were stolen.

But I told him that it was June.

He said "So it is."

I gave him a dollar to shut him up.

We agreed to disagree on the merits of Tae-Bo.

It was an entertaining argument.

Finally I said "You should go home," and he said "No."

I said "What?" and he said "Make me."

I got my mom.

On the way out he took some fruit.

I bought an Oscar for $9.95